The Great AI Disruption: Six Startling Predictions That Will Shape Our Lives and Test Our Limits
The Great AI Disruption: Six Startling Predictions That Will Shape Our Lives and Test Our Limits As we rapidly advance into an AI-driven world, our lives are becoming more intertwined with artificial intelligence in ways that were once the stuff of science fiction....
Future of Hollywood: Post-COVID Storytelling
Future of Hollywood: Post-COVID Storytelling The COVID-19 pandemic has put pop culture on hold. What we’re facing is not just a summer without popcorn blockbusters, but a fall television season with many series put on hold in mid-stream (nearly literally) and an Oscar...
31 Ways AI Will Affect the Future of Entertainment
31 Ways AI Will Affect the Future of Entertainment Our present is becoming a more distant past every day. For most of us, AI is the magical genie in some invisible box that is redefining a new state of normal for us on a daily basis. AI is not something that we can...