Thomas Frey Videos
NOTE: In addition to the videos listed here, a wide variety of videos can be see on Futurist Thomas Frey’s YouTube Channel.
Education Reimagined – A Leap into the Future
The lecture entitled “A New Concept of Education – A Leap into the Future” was delivered by futurist Thomas Frey during a debate on the impact of technology on the future of education and science on April 11, 2024, the third day of the Futurist of The Year 2024 scientific congress.
Thinking About the Future
In this episode of Specified Growth Podcast, Thomas discusses “The Great Resignation” that’s happening and how he thinks it will impact the future of business. He also talks about how to think like a futurist, what future trends he’s keeping a close eye on, and much more!
Listen to the audio version: Thinking About the Future of Business
10 Unintended Consequences from Covid-19
“It’s impossible to have this many top-down decisions without creating a massive number of unintended consequences!” The coronavirus will prove to be the most expensive crisis in human history! Even more expensive than WWII. It’s impossible to have this many top-down decisions without creating a massive number of unintended consequences! And yes, we will be cleaning up messes from these decisions for years to come.
Digital Twins
Healthcare is transitioning from an industry dominated by pharmaceuticals to an industry run on data! Over the coming years we will see the integration of tiny sensors in equipment and throughout our bodies. This will give us the ability to add far more precision to every medical diagnosis.
Demographic Shifts
Demographics is a tricky subject, especially when it comes to projecting out over the next 80-100 years. But children born today will likely live more than 100 years, and birthrates are driven more by culture than they are by other trends. In his August 12th appearance at the World Artificial Intelligence Conference in Shanghai, Elon Musk emphatically stated, “I think the biggest problem the world will face over the next 20 years is population collapse!” And he emphasized the word “collapse!
Eight Ways CRISPR Will Change the World
CRISPR technology involves a series of DNA reading and editing tools like gene scissors, bio printers, and molecular scalpels, that are being used to solve a wide range of healthcare problems. It’s become a Swiss army knife for the gene therapy world. The true game changing potential for CRISPR is that it allows scientists to perform cut-and-paste like functions to remove existing or add new gene sequences to our DNA in a way that’s faster, cheaper, easier, and more precise than ever before.
The Covid Crisis is a Deeply Personal Experience!
For people all over the planet, the covid crisis is a deeply personal experience and virtually nothing in our world will remain untouched! It’s as if the game of life was just thoroughly shaken up, and an entirely new set of rules was dumped onto the table for us to deal with. As we stare at this new rule set, yes, we can spend our time complaining about it, or we can seize this golden opportunity, reinvent business, and run with it. After all, during periods of great chaos, comes great opportunities!
151,600 How the Global-Death Rate Has Gone Up or Down Because of Covid 19
With COVID, the infections counts, hospitalizations, and, most ominously, deaths, these climbing numbers have taken on a significant presence in our world. But let’s put those in context with another count. 151,600 is the number of people that die every day in the world.
Hello 2029 – The Coming Waves of Disruption and Opportunity that will Redefine Our Future
Futurist Thomas Frey CSP speaking at the China High Tech Forum in Shenzhen, China on November 14, 2019. Every future industry will start as a micro industry and 100,000 new micro industries to be created over the next two decades. At the same time, the future of business will range from micro-industries to mega-projects and everything in between.
Future Living – Future Communities :: Leveraging the coming waves of disruption and opportunity to plan for a better tomorrow.
We are approaching the intersection of smart cities and circular economies where everything physical is mapped digitally and our communities develop far more efficient systems. Our current use-once-and-throw-away lifestyles are about to be transformed.
Smart cities are learning to collaborate with other smart cities, and as we combine information from people, IoT devices, drones, cars, and city sensors, we will begin to develop truly actionable and life-saving intelligence. From the labs, to the factories, to the marketplace, every new level of efficiency matters.
What Industries will produce the First Trillionaires?
According to Forbes Magazine, there are currently 1,645 people who qualified as billionaires in 2014, with Bill Gates leading the pack with a total net worth of $78 billion.
Stepping through these eighteen future industries, I will mention a few disclaimers. This is a highly speculative list with several wild-card industries added to the mix to keep things interesting. Many of these are still waiting for the initial breakthrough to occur before the industry can even get started.
10 Unanswerable Questions that Neither Science nor Religion can Answer
In this provocative piece, Futurist Thomas Frey explores the edges of what’s knowable and what’s not. Keep in mind “Our greatest motivations in life come from NOT knowing the future!”
Futurist Thomas Frey’s predictions featured at the World Economic Forum
If we apply A.I. to teacherbots, the new game will be to find the fastest way to teach students. Over time, AI’s will learn every students interests, their proclivities, idiosyncrasies, preferred tools, personal reference points, and how to keep them engaged and learning even in the face of distractions.
Future of the Steel Industry
In this presentation, Futurist Thomas Frey presents his thoughts on the “future of the steel industry” to executives at POSCO and the leaders of the steel industry in Seoul, Korea – October, 2016.
78 Skills that will be Difficult to Automate
Robots are coming. They’re coming with or without our blessing, and in shapes and forms we can’t even imagine. However, when it comes to automation, the marketplace will decide, and the market is not always logical. Continue reading at 78 Skills that will be Difficult to Automate.
The Coming Meat Wars – 17 Mind-Blowing Predictions
The stage has been set for some truly profound changes as urban agriculture expands into cultured meats and becomes both cheaper and better than ranch grown meats. Continue reading at The Coming Meat Wars – 17 Mind-Blowing Predictions.
Today, Meet the Future
Futurist Thomas Frey appears on the show, ‘Today, meet the future’ on Korea’s National Broadcasting System KBS. Recorded in front of a live studio audience on April 20, 2015 in Seoul, Korea. While the beginning is in Korean, the Q&A at the 40 min mark is in English.
What Industries will produce the First Trillionaires?
According to Forbes Magazine, there are currently 1,826 people who qualified as billionaires in 2014, with Bill Gates leading the pack with a total net worth of $78 billion. So what industries have sufficient growth potential to create the first trillionaires? Here’s a quick look at some of these industries.
Every Disaster Has a Beginning: In Search of Anomaly Zero
As tiny humans battling the giant forces of nature, we need to do battle when the problems are still small. Anomaly Zero is the first detectable sign that something is wrong. Continue reading at Every Disaster Has a Beginning: In Search of Anomaly Zero
Weaponized A.I. – 36 Early Examples
Of all the topics I’ve spoken on, this one scares me the most. Yes, artificial intelligence, one of humanity’s greatest achievements, can also unleash the seeds of our own destruction. Continue reading at Weaponized A.I. – 36 Early Examples