Phygital Convergence – Where the Digital and Physical Worlds Converge
Phygital Convergence – Where the Digital and Physical Worlds Converge “Phygital convergence” refers to the blending of physical (phy-) and digital (-gital) experiences to create an ecosystem where users can move seamlessly between online and offline...
Swarmbots: Ushering Humanity into a Brave New Era or Opening Pandora’s Box?
Swarmbots: Ushering Humanity into a Brave New Era or Opening Pandora’s Box? The 2019 action thriller “Angel Has Fallen” presents a chilling scenario that highlights the potential power of swarmbots. In this film, Morgan Freeman stars as the President of...
How Will Elon Musk’s Tesla Pi Phone Get Us Closer to the “Ultimate Phone” of the Future?
How Will Elon Musk’s Tesla Pi Phone Get Us Closer to the “Ultimate Phone” of the Future? We can always count on Elon Musk to deliver, if not a new branch of technology, at least game-changers in existing technology. He’s not that into incrementalism and minor...
Will There Be Robotic Dogs in your Future? Using Question Mapping to Help Reveal the Future
Will There Be Robotic Dogs in your Future? Using Question Mapping to Help Reveal the Future In this column, I’d like to demonstrate a strategic futurism technique I use called Question Mapping. It’s a technique I teach in our soon-to-be—re-released course, Future Like...