11 Thoughts on Designing Homes for 2040 and Beyond
11 Thoughts on Designing Homes for 2040 and Beyond Our homes are more than just buildings; they are places where we grow, build relationships, and find comfort. As we project forward into the future, the concept of ‘home’ is set to undergo transformative...
The Future of Education is beginning to take Shape
The Future of Education is beginning to take Shape Imagine getting up every morning and putting on a pair of smart glasses, or smart contacts, to begin your day. This simple act is what will link you to your digital twin, a twin formed around all the information you...
How Will Elon Musk’s Tesla Pi Phone Get Us Closer to the “Ultimate Phone” of the Future?
How Will Elon Musk’s Tesla Pi Phone Get Us Closer to the “Ultimate Phone” of the Future? We can always count on Elon Musk to deliver, if not a new branch of technology, at least game-changers in existing technology. He’s not that into incrementalism and minor...